What is late binding ?

When code interacts with an object dynamically at runtime .because our code literally doesnot care what type of object it is interacting and with the methods thats are supported by object and with the methods thats are supported by object .The type of object is not known by the IDE or compiler ,no Intellisense nor
compile-time syntax checking is possible but we get unprecedented flexibilty in exchange.if we enable strict type checking by using option strict on at the top of our code modules ,then IDE and compiler will enforce early binding behaviour .By default Late binding is done.

What is ASP.Net Web Matrix?

ASP.Net Web Matrix is a free ASP.NET development environment from Microsoft. As well as a GUI development environment, download includes simple web server that can be used instead of IIS to host ASP.NET apps. This opens up ASP.NET development to users of Windows XP Home Edition, which cannot run IIS.

What is XPATH?

XML Path Language is a W3C specification that defines syntax for addressing parts of XML document. XML document is considered as a logical tree structure, and syntax based on this consideration is used to address elements and attributes at any level in the XML document.

For example, considering the XML document described above in answer to question 2, /abc:Employees/abc:Emp/@EmpID XPath expression can be used to access the EmpID attribute under the Emp element under the Employees document element.

XPath is used in various other specifications such as XSLT.

What is a Satellite Assembly ?

This assembly is used to get language specific resources for an application.These language-specific assemblies work in side-by-side execution because the application has a separate product ID for each language and installs satellite assemblies in a language-specific subdirectory for each language.

What is an application domain?

An AppDomain can be thought of as a lightweight process. Multiple AppDomains can exist inside a Win32 process. The primary purpose of the AppDomain is to isolate applications from each other, and so it is particularly useful in hosting scenarios such as ASP.NET.

What is view state and use of it?

The current property settings of an ASP.NET page and those of any ASP.NET server controls contained within the page. ASP.NET can detect when a form is requested for the first time versus when the form is posted (sent to the server), which allows you to program accordingly.

What is the difference between an event and a delegate?

An event is just a wrapper for a multicast delegate. Adding a public event to a class is almost the same as adding a public multicast delegate field. In both cases, subscriber objects can register for notifications, and in both cases the publisher object can send notifications to the subscribers.

However, a public multicast delegate has the undesirable property that external objects can invoke the delegate, something we'd normally want to restrict to the publisher. Hence events - an event adds public methods to the containing class to add and remove receivers, but does not make the invocation mechanism public.

What is view state and use of it?

The current property settings of an ASP.NET page and those of any ASP.NET server controls contained within the page. ASP.NET can detect when a form is requested for the first time versus when the form is posted (sent to the server), which allows you to program accordingly.

What's a bubbled event?

When you have a complex control, likeDataGrid, writing an event processing routine for each object (cell, button,row, etc.) is quite tedious.

The controls can bubble up their eventhandlers, allowing the main DataGrid event handler to take care of its constituents.Suppose you want a certain ASP.NET function executed on MouseOver over a certain button.

Why do we get errors when we try to serialize a Hashtable?

XmlSerializer will refuse to serialize instances of any class that implements IDictionary, e.g. Hashtable. SoapFormatter and BinaryFormatter do not have this restriction.

Why is XmlSerializer so slow?

There is a once-per-process-per-type overhead with XmlSerializer. So the first time you serialize or deserialize an object of a given type in an application, there is a significant delay.

This normally doesn't matter, but it may mean, for example, that XmlSerializer is a poor choice for loading configuration settings during startup of a GUI application

How can I turn on/off tracing for entire site/application?

Open up your web.config file - then, somewhere in the system.web section, put this :
true" />

Set it to 'false' when you don't want it to show up.

What's the difference between a Panel and a Placeholder?

Functionality-wise, both server controls are generally the same. They both act as containers, separating other server controls, etc., into logical sections.

The PlaceHolder control doesn't have most of those capabilities. It's major function is to act as a container for other tags/server controls.

However, the Panel has a bit more overhead. A panel has most of the display/decoration/style capabilities of the other server controls (border style/width/color, BackColor, Font, CssClass, etc).

Why isn't database with OleDb ExecuteNonQuery updating my database?

When editing/updating a database with OleDb - here are two things to make sure of:

Make sure the defining parameter (ie: Where uid=@uid) in the Where clause is actually getting populated

When using parameterized queries, OLEDB parameters are positional. Make sure the parameters are defined in the same order as they appear in the SQL update string.

How can I add nest Master Pages?

Master page for your business's website.

However, inside that 'shell', you also want a certain design for each department of the business. All you need to do, is create the second 'Department' Master page. Then, inside the Master Directive, include a reference back to the Business Master:

<%@ Master Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Business.master" .....

Also, be sure to use different ContentPlaceholder ids, and remember the one caveat - if you're using Nested Masters inside VS.Net 2005, you'll need to only use the html view, since the design view does not support nesting master pages.